Sonntag, 16. März 2014

well, it's been a while.
my birthday has already been a couple of weeks ago
and it feels so weird to be 'that' old now.

i celebrated my special day a few times with different people!
once with jacque, felix and some brownies,
 then on my actual birthday with felix and hannah 
and the saturday afterwards i went out with some friends,
 ate some nice food and got a few drinks in our local bar.
 it was utterly lovely, 
though there may has been a bit too much alcohol 
and other stuff flooded through my body the past weeks. 
but it made me forget my anxiety to get older
 and brought some new experiences and thoughts with it. 
so all in all i am quite alright, i suppose.
 i still drink too much tea
 and listen to too many sad songs.
therefore i can't have changed too much
 eventhough i am now officially seventeen years old.


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